Photographs I've taken to harness the energy and excitement of shows, DJ nights, and live performances.
Please note that these are web previews of my photographs and are compressed with lower quality web settings.
//sascha robotti:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//igloofest:: montreal 2016//
//justin rem & harder they come:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//simple plan:: the final warped tour Toronto ON 2018//
//electrolads:: Onion River Music Campout Marshfield VT 2017//
//incantation:: higher ground Burlington VT 2018//
//rufus du sol:: brooklyn mirage New York City NY 2019//
//clothcutter:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2018//
//joeski:: synergy sessions, club metronome Burlington VT 2022//
//ph dance and ers crew:: main street landing performance Burlington VT 2018//
//grendel:: piranha bar Montreal QC 2019//
//underoath:: the final warped tour Toronto ON 2018//
//dj torex of re[volt]:: monkey house Winooski VT 2019//
//tauk:: Onion River Music Campout Marshfield VT 2017//
//myra flynn and the plattsburgh state gospel choir:: artsriot Burlington VT 2022//
//no lemons:: nectars Burlington VT 20121//
//suburban samurai:: club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//grendel:: piranha bar Montreal QC 2019//
//nico suave and the mothership:: Higher Ground Burlington VT 2024//
//mercer:: higher ground Burlington VT 2017//
//dancing with the stars of burlington:: Flynn Performing Arts Center Burlington VT 2022//
//fred everything:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2018//
//soule indomitable:: nectars Burlington VT 2017//
//moris blak:: monkey house Winooski VT 2019//
//cobra gymnastics and dance:: 8th annual dance showcase Burlington VT 2018//
//nico suave and the mothership:: Higher Ground Burlington VT 2024//
//d-lav:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//reign one:: higher ground Burlington VT 2017//
//purple disco machine and the defected dancers:: defected croatia Tisno, Croatia 2021//
//ferreck dawn:: defected croatia Tisno, Croatia 2021//
//b-gunn:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2018//
//mikey heart:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//mayhem:: higher ground Burlington VT 2018//
//ardalan:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2020//
//dancing with the stars of burlington:: Flynn Performing Arts Center Burlington VT 2019//
//terminal floor:: monkey house Winooski VT 2021//
//creeper:: warped tour Mansfield MA 2017//
//dj three:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2019//
//joeski:: synergy sessions, club metronome Burlington VT 2022//
//genderdeath:: monkey house Winooski VT 2021//
//nico suave and the mothership:: Higher Ground Burlington VT 2024//
//igloofest snowfall:: Montreal 2017//
//gardens of babylon:: aim festival Sainte-Andre-D'Argenteuil 2022//
//green velvet:: igloofest Montreal 2017//
//endo:: synergy sessions, club metronome Burlington VT 2022//
//99 neighbors:: artsriot Burlington VT 2022//
//strip licker:: piranha bar Montreal QC 2019//
//dancing with the stars of burlington:: Flynn Performing Arts Center Burlington VT 2022//
//grendel:: piranha bar Montreal QC 2019//
//slick shoota:: space gallery Burlington VT 2017//
//electrolads:: zenbarn social distanced halloween party 2020//
//d-lav and matt m:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2018//
//maiden voyage:: Onion River Music Campout Marshfield VT 2017//
//99 neighbors:: artsriot Burlington VT 2022//
//jai wolf:: higher ground Burlington VT 2017//
//the accaliae:: 8th annual dance showcase Burlington VT 2018//
//incantation:: higher ground Burlington VT 2018//
//rob douglas:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2018//
//andy:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2020//
//torex:: haunted hill fest Northfield VT 2016//
//picnic electronique:: parc jean-drapeau Montreal 2016//
//mendica:: monkey house Winooski VT 2021//
//mayhem:: higher ground Burlington VT 2018//
//dj torex of re[volt]:: monkey house Winooski VT 2019//
//rufus du sol:: brooklyn mirage New York City NY 2019//
//anxiocide:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2024//
//sébastien léger of all day i dream:: aim festival Montreal QC 2018//
//dancing with the stars of burlington:: Flynn Performing Arts Center Burlington VT 2019//
//magda:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2024//
//spinston:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2024//
//tai verdes:: higher ground Burlington, Vermont 2022//
//craig mitchell:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2023//
//l yeah:: club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//the women's march, inauguration day:: Montpelier VT 2017//
//aqua (ben barlow):: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//electrolads:: Onion River Music Campout Marshfield VT 2017//
//dj heather:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2023//
//purple:: winooski pride, downtown Winooski VT 2024//
//no lemons:: nectars Burlington VT 20121//
//peter mcpoland:: higher ground Burlington VT 2023//
//darciidarka:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2024//
//harder they come:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//99 neighbors:: artsriot Burlington VT 2022//
//the church of tchami:: higher ground Burlington VT 2017//
//josh wink:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2018//
//dream city dance crew:: 8th annual dance showcase Burlington VT 2018//
//elliott matos:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2023//
//dj left cat:: synergy sessions, club metronome Burlington VT 2023//
//tobin ellsworth:: synergy sessions, club metronome Burlington VT 2023//
//randy deshaies:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//dancing with the stars of burlington:: Flynn Performing Arts Center Burlington VT 2022//
//gay4disco:: winooski pride, monkey house Winooski VT 2024//
//justin rem:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2023//
//ph dance and ers crew:: main street landing performance Burlington VT 2018//
//terminal floor:: monkey house Winooski VT 2021//
//andy:: sunday night mass, club metronome 2020//
//the highsteppers:: 8th annual dance showcase Burlington VT 2018//
//purple- a tribute to Prince featuring Craig Mitchell:: nectars Burlington VT 2017//
//haitian of 2kdeep:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2016//
//revibe:: Onion River Music Campout Marshfield VT 2017//
//she say she:: higher ground Burlington VT 2023//
//dj heather:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2023//
//purple:: winooski pride, downtown Winooski VT 2024//
//the shins:: Burlington VT lakefront summer showcase 2017//
//electrolads:: zenbarn social distanced halloween party 2020//
//mayhem:: higher ground Burlington VT 2018//
//ke-rubo:: Winooski Juneteenth Party, Wi=nooski VT 2023//
//doc martin:: synergy sessions, club metronome Burlington VT 2023//
//fleetmac wood:: higher ground Burlington VT 2018//
//peter mcpoland:: higher ground Burlington VT 2023//
//tauk:: Onion River Music Campout Marshfield VT 2017//
//she say she:: higher ground Burlington VT 2023//
//sleepy & boo:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//vakkuum:: gewölbe köln Germany 2015//
//gay4disco:: winooski pride, monkey house Winooski VT 2024//
//matt m:: underground party Burlington VT 2018//
//abby peppin dance crew:: 8th annual dance showcase Burlington VT 2018//
//every time i die:: the final warped tour Toronto ON 2018//
//pat fontes:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//sauceman & the crew:: club newspeak Montreal QC 2016//
//mercier:: higher ground Burlington VT 2017//
//justin rem:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2016//
//sleepy & boo:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//peter mcpoland:: higher ground Burlington VT 2023//
//bryce dance company:: 8th annual dance showcase Burlington VT 2018//
//hectar romero:: underground party Burlington VT 2018//
//vakkuum:: igloofest Montreal 2016//
//retroglyphs:: rusty nail VT 2018//
//cult of yes and kali maat:: 8th annual dance showcase Burlington VT 2018//
//fleetmac wood:: higher ground Burlington VT 2018//
//sum 41:: the final warped tour Toronto ON 2018//
//fresh patterns:: Onion River Music Campout Marshfield VT 2017//
//dancing with the stars of burlington:: Flynn Performing Arts Center Burlington VT 2019//
//oc45:: club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//disco phantom:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//creeper:: warped tour Mansfield MA 2017//
//moris blak:: monkey house Winooski VT 2019//
//greco:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//purple- a tribute to Prince featuring Craig Mitchell:: nectars Burlington VT 2017//
//independence day celebration:: waterfront Burlington VT 2018//
//tchami:: higher ground Burlington VT 2017//
//retroglyphs:: club metronome Burlington VT 2018//
//pete moss:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//torex:: haunted hill horror fest Lyndon VT 2016//
//sascha robotti:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//retroglyphs:: rusty nail VT 2018//
//fleetmac wood:: higher ground Burlington VT 2018//
//sir alec jeffries:: sidebar Burlington VT 2017//
//sleepy & boo:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2016//
//soule indomitable:: nectars Burlington VT 2017//
//wolfhand:: metal mondays at nectars Burlington VT 2018//
//steve-o:: sunday night mass, club metronome Burlington VT 2017//
//l yeah, 2kdeep 10 year anniversary party:: sidebar Burlington VT 2016//